Monday, March 17, 2014

EN & JP - Kendama and Koma けん玉と独楽

Kendama became a big hit in Hawaii this year. (I heard they are pretty popular in the mainland, too.) In my classroom, almost every child has one, and some even have multiple styles and colors.

I remember playing with it when I was a child. It's nice to see an old toy being revived and enjoyed by newer generations. I also think that Kendama is much healthier than playing with screen toys (iPad, iPhone, etc.) It develops hand-and-eye coordination and cultivates patience (as you practice tricks).

(Japanese) けん玉が今年ハワイで大流行しました。(アメリカ本土でも流行ったそうですが。)私の教室では、ほとんどの子が一個は必ず持っていて、中にはいくつもの違ったサイズだったり、色だったり、タイプだったりのけん玉を持っている子もいました。


Here is another toy sent by our friend in Japan. We call this Koma in Japanese. A spinning top is simple yet requires some skills, and it has become a popular toy in my classroom, too.

(Japanese) これは独楽。日本のお友達が送ってくれました。シンプルだけど、コツのいるおもちゃですね。これも子ども達に人気がありました。

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