Sunday, February 23, 2014

EN & JP - Haiku Poems I Made in February 2月に詠んだ句

My friend gave me a small yet really heavy purple cabbage. I cut it into fine stripes and rubbed some salt and let it sit for some time. When I picked them up from the bowl, I found this wondrously colored water. I was caught there gazing at it for several seconds, wondering about the nature's mystery.



When I make haiku poems, I quietly dive inside of me. There, I wait for "the feeling" to come down. When it falls upon like ephemeral snow finding its ground on my palms, I let it burn into my heart before it melts away, and I translate it into words. 



The below are the haiku poem I made in the month of February.


草萌えの 放つ光に 目をみはり

蟻たちの お花見日和 いぬふぐり

しっとりと 大地を包む 春時雨

春時雨 あの日の君に 会えそうな

花さえも 蹴り散り走る 恋猫よ

渡す手が 震えたあの日 バレンタイン

見つめては 溜め息の バレンタインの日

買ったチョコ 自分で食べる バレンタイン


My past Haiku poems can be read here. (To be clear, the haiku are not written in English, but there are my thoughts and feelings about Haiku poems written in English.) Also, if you click a label named, "Haiku" on the right side of this blog, you can view other haiku I made this year.

昨年、また一昨年に詠んだ俳句についてはこちらへ。私の俳句に対する想いも綴られています。また、ブログ右にあります「Haiku 俳句」というタグをクリックしてもらいますと、今年中に詠んだ句があります。

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