Saturday, March 22, 2014

JP - 手紙が投影するもの


毎年しているように、日本のある山の中で一人暮らしをしている、もうすぐ90歳になる祖母のために、昨年書いたブログエントリーを本にまとめました。 おばあちゃんはコンピューターを使いませんから私のブログも見られないわけです。でも私がマウイでどんなことをして、どんなことを想って生活しているか、少しでも様子を伝えられたらと思い、12月が終るとその一年分をまとめて本にして送っています。今までにいくつかの会社を使いましたが、今回はアメリカの会社blurbを使いました。

裏表紙 (おばあちゃんと私)







Friday, March 21, 2014

EN - What Letters Project

Front cover

As I do this every year, for my almost-90-year-old grandma who lives in a mountain of Japan by herself, I made a blog book. She does not use a computer, so she does not see my blog, but I would like to share even a bit of what I am doing here on Maui and what I am thinking and feeling. So, every year I make a blog book and mail it to her. I've used several different companies so far, and this year, I used blurb.

Back cover (my grandma and I)
It says, "I love you, Grandma."
The quality of photo prints and paper were pretty good.

As you know, I write my blog entries both in English and Japanese. Starting this year (2014), I've been separating the English and Japanese entries. By doing so, I can save the number of pages when I create a book the next time. When you create a book, you would be asked to choose which entries to include in the book, soI am going to choose only the ones that are written in Japanese for my grandma. Last year, erasing the English texts in the editing mode was an overwhelming task in terms of how long it would have taken.

My experiences in India was read and seen by my grandma. I cannot help the that what I write in January would be read by her a year later since I wait to make a book until the end of December. Oh well.

After I sent the book to her, she sent me a letter. She wrote how much she appreciated it and that she was reading it every night a bit by bit, and that she was looking forward to that time. She also felt grateful that I was surrounded by so many loving people.

What sank in my heart the most and what made my eyes watery in a quick second was this sentence: "Learning how you've persevered and blossomed despite of hardships you'd gone through, I wanted to fly to you right there and right then and hold you." When I read the sentence, I felt her arms around me. Although her bony arms were skinnier and smaller than mine now, her presence was much bigger than mine.

Her love was pouring out of the paper and ink. It's true. Letters do project the writers' feelings - the stronger the more clearly.

Thank you, Grandma.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

JP - 3月に起こったことたち




あぁ、このほっぺ見て!お餅みたいで、上手いこと四角くなってる。 チュッチュってしたかったけど、お昼寝をしている彼を起こしてはいけないと思って、一生懸命我慢しました。




「キープ アップ」(「その調子を維持してけ」「くじけるな」といった意味)




3分の1終わりました。(日曜日だけど通知表作ってました。) 自分をつるのが上手くなりました。 「ここまでやったら、休憩取って良し」を繰り返しつつ。

場所を移動して仕切り直し。(家からあるカフェへ。)もう一息!! 先生のコメント欄、時間かかるけど書くの好きです。一人一人にラブレターを書いてるみたいで。




3月17日に、アレクサンダー・アカデミーの「白鳥の湖」を観に行ってきました。沢山の教え子たち(現在と過去の両方)と大人のお友達が出演していました。みんな上手に踊っていましたよ。学校の外で子供達に会うのは楽しいですし、何か好きなことを見つけて、それに真剣に取りくんでいる姿を見るのは、本当に嬉しいです。みんなのことをとても誇りに思いました。 ここにかわいいバレリーナちゃん(教え子の一人)と私の写真(保護者の許可を得て)。(子供達全員とは撮れなかったです。)飴を大切そうに持ってて、可愛いでしょう!? このバレースクールは、決まったレッスン料がありません。つまり、個人個人で払える分だけ払うというシステム。おかげで金銭的に正規の値段を払うのが難しい子でもクラスを取ることが出来ます。子供達のために、地域のために、そうやって芸術の場を提供していてすごいなぁと思いますし、有り難いことですね。 ここに学校のサイト:


3月のある日 ホオキパにて (楽しいサーフセッションの後に)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

EN - Events That Took Place in March

Facebook gives me a small window to lives of many. Though I know that a lot more than being shared is going on in everyone' s life, when I read postings, I am reminded of a simple yet powerful fact that we are alive. We are here on this planet, experiencing various things, thinking and feeling various things, and an amazing thing is that we are all doing it at the same time. We're in different bodies, we're at different locations, and we have different life stories to live and create. But we're here. We are alive. That's something we cannot deny. This simple fact often positively startles me and makes me love you even more.

My friend's daughter Nijika celebrated her 7th birthday.
I've known Nijika's mom way long before she was even a tiny being in her tummy.
It's nice to be able to witness growth of a friend's child over time. 

She had Jolie the Clown as a guest to entertain all the children.
She made lots of fun balloon creatures.

I found this cute sight at the birthday party.
Awww... look at this mochi-like right angled plump cheek!!! I wanted to kiss it so badly but managed to control my urge, not to wake him up from his afternoon nap.

It's more fun to correct math tests at a cafe than at home. 

Look at these giraffes!! Ahhh, I love my students. (I always tell them to draw pictures of a math question if they have a hard time understanding it.) 

Well, that's the smallest giraffe ever (maybe it's a toy giraffe), and that's really gigantic teddy bear. You can't really snuggle with it. They provide me with so much laughter. 

I quietly said, "Roger that" when I saw this message.

I got this coconut from the Farmers Market in Kula. Yum, yum.

Tonight's date destination with my little sister, April was Fresh Mint in Paia. 
We love the restaurant. (Every dish is vegetarian.) 

A partner in crime was in a serious business - looking for a perfect flavor of our desert - yes, ice cream! 

One third is done (I was making report cards although it was Sunday). I think I'm getting better at enticing myself. I say, "You can take a break when you're done this much." 

I changed the location (from home to a cafe) to refresh my mind. One more push! I actually like to write comments although it takes time. It is like writing a love letter to each child.

Later that day, I found myself dismantling the lid part of my rice cooker with a screw driver (not around the electric circuit, so no worry). I felt satisfied and put it back together. It was probably an impulsive behavior I took due to a fact that the report cards were finally done and that I felt so freed! Nah, just kidding! I wanted to clean a part of it, and it seemed like I had to take it apart.

My neighbor Lisa made this yummy soup for me. Appreciated.

One day in March, I woke up at 5 am naturally. Went to a gym class at 5:45 am. Practiced Odissi dance at 7 am. Went to a dental appointment at 9 am. Provided a computer related support to a friend. In exchange, received a facial treatment. Organized photos in my computer. Saw my little hanai sister and spent a good quality time together while I hemmed a new pair of pants, and she corrected my students' math tests. Cooked warm soup. Updated my blog. It was a beautiful and productive day. Thank you, thank you.

I went to see the Alexander Academy's "Swan Lake" on March 17th. I had many students (current and past) and grown-up friends performing in the show. They were all fantastic! It's really great to see them outside of school and to see them finding something they love and pursuing it. I was SO proud! Here is a photo of one of my ballerinas and me (with her parent's permission). (I didn't get to take a picture with each child.) Isn't she adorable with the candy in her hand? This ballet school does not have a set tuition fee. In other words, it's a donation based school, so that students from various economic backgrounds can take their classes. I love that they're providing the artistic outlet and space for the children and the community. Here is their website: 

No matter how rainy it is, as soon as we dance, the world starts to shine. Thank you for the good practice time, Andria Perkins and Lynette Day Kanelos.

Ho'okipa in one fine March day (after a good surf session)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

EN & JP - Quilted Blanket キルトのブランケット

My students did the stitches (simple embroidery)!
As I've mentioned in a past blog entry, the children are getting better at sewing.

Auntie Suzie (who works in the office) put them together, and they became a quilted blanket, and it will be available as a silent auction item at Haiku Flower Festival on Sat, April 12th!

The hearts represent love, the stars represent dream, and the swirls represent courage.




Monday, March 17, 2014

EN & JP - Kendama and Koma けん玉と独楽

Kendama became a big hit in Hawaii this year. (I heard they are pretty popular in the mainland, too.) In my classroom, almost every child has one, and some even have multiple styles and colors.

I remember playing with it when I was a child. It's nice to see an old toy being revived and enjoyed by newer generations. I also think that Kendama is much healthier than playing with screen toys (iPad, iPhone, etc.) It develops hand-and-eye coordination and cultivates patience (as you practice tricks).

(Japanese) けん玉が今年ハワイで大流行しました。(アメリカ本土でも流行ったそうですが。)私の教室では、ほとんどの子が一個は必ず持っていて、中にはいくつもの違ったサイズだったり、色だったり、タイプだったりのけん玉を持っている子もいました。


Here is another toy sent by our friend in Japan. We call this Koma in Japanese. A spinning top is simple yet requires some skills, and it has become a popular toy in my classroom, too.

(Japanese) これは独楽。日本のお友達が送ってくれました。シンプルだけど、コツのいるおもちゃですね。これも子ども達に人気がありました。

Sunday, March 16, 2014

JP - 食べものは偉大だ















