Friday, February 21, 2014

EN - Think Globally and Act Locally

This world holds much happiness and sorrow.

There are many issues waiting to be resolved.
There are many countries waiting to be freed.
There are many people waiting to be respected.

When I was a child, I thought that maybe we could solve all of these problems by the time I die as an old grandma. Now, as a grown-up person, I'm not so sure about that. I have experienced a bit of life, both sweet and sour, and have observed how humans including myself repeat the same mistake over and over. But I have not given up hope.

I am still hopeful that one day, we would realize and come together as one big family. I may be called naive, but if not, what's the meaning of life? If we don't strive for it, why are we here?

When we hear sad news around the world, we don't have to be inundated. We can choose to be informed and inspired. We can be informed of the fact that there are brothers and sisters who want justice and freedom, and that they are working hard at them on the same planet where we breath...

The information leads me to pray for the people who are causing the problems and the people who are being affected by them. The information leads me to appreciate what I have in my life. The information leads me to wish getting stronger and smarter, so that maybe one day, I can contribute to a solution even in a small way.

I may not be able to do much about the world issues as of now, but I can be mindful in my everyday life. I believe that our world is intertwined and connected in invisible ways. What we do here might have some affect on the other side of the planet. Who knows? I think that the key is for us to think globally and act locally.

The videos below are only the tip of an iceberg of issues the world holds. I am sharing them here because they are the ones that provoked me to write this blog entry. Please be informed and inspired. We need to overcome the feeling of powerlessness for us and for the future generations to come. There must be something that you and I could do.

It might be for us to follow our dreams. It might be for us to make peace with the neighbor. It might be for us to pick up a trash. It might be for us to vote. It might be for us to start practicing to voice ourselves in non-violent ways. It might be for us to say, "I love you" to our dear ones.

People in Venezuela demonstrating against their government.

This one is probably the most recent self-immolation of a Tibetan person to protest China's policy in their homeland. There have been more than 100 people who have set themselves on fire since China's occupation.  (See this site for more info.)

This one is a part of PBS documentary about the Fukushima nuclear power plant. This awaken beast is still not under control...
I think that we, humans, are too "young" to even try to use nuclear power as our energy source. It may have chance once we reach the maturity to utilize it and once we know how to cleanly and earth-friendly manage its waste. For now, it is like little kids playing with fire.

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